What is it with text prediction solutions that seems like everybody has an opinion about, and it’s not necessarily positive? Well, the quick answer is “Cognitive Load”. But what is it exactly?
Most text prediction software solutions offer drop down lists of 3 to 5 suggestions (see above illustration) whenever you start typing a word. As it may seem nice and comprehensive at first, soon you realize you’re constantly distracted! While trying to figure out what to write suddenly your attention is diverted to vetting between various irrelevant words that keep popping up at the screen.
At this point it’s probably likely that your next step towards improving productivity would be to uninstall the software.
Back to the more academic term – Cognitive Load – which in this case describes the energy consumed by the user trying to consider several prediction suggestions, most of which not relevant. The more suggestions to consider – the more energy is wasted considering each and every one of them. Evidentially such solutions become counter-productive…
Looking at the cognitive load scale can better explain the common reaction to most text prediction solutions: minimum-load basically means no third-party interference (i.e. offering no suggestions whatsoever), while the maximum-load means constant interference (i.e. offering too many options).
Unfortunately, most of today's text prediction solutions are located relatively close to the maximum-load marker and hence perhaps that common annoyed-like reaction we all know so well.
The need for productivity in our daily lives just keeps increasing and so do the cognitive loads with which we need to deal. So, can we improve our typing productivity without reaching a cognitive overload?
Yes, we can!
Meet Lightkey: a text prediction software that features a unique and unprecedented prediction technology that maintains minimal levels of cognitive load while maximizing productivity.
So how does it work? Well, that's our little secret, but we can say that before proposing any suggestion, Lightkey will first check whether it has something “valuable” to offer, or in other words with every keystroke Lightkey calculates the odds that it has the right prediction for you. If not, it will stay silent and wait for the next keystroke in order to recalculate.
Actual suggestions only appear once the odds for getting it right pass a certain threshold.
Moreover, Lightkey will only offer one single suggestion which appears on the screen as a natural and intuitive continuance to the word (see illustration below).
Not 3, not 5 – just 1. Keeping you focused and avoiding that annoying cognitive overload.

Calculating those prediction odds is a challenge… but here at Lightkey we love challenges :)
We believe this intuitive experience is the only way to cross the cognitive load bridge towards genuine productivity.
Happy Lightkeying,
Lightkey's team