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Invite friends to Lightkey and earn 1 year for free



You can earn 1 year of Lightkey Pro for free by inviting your friends to try out Lightkey. Here is how it works:

Step 1 – Download Lightkey and open the invite form

Download the latest edition of Lightkey Pro from our download page. Once installed, click on Lightkey's tray icon to open Lightkey's Control Center:

Then, click on the button “Get up to 1 year for free”:

Step 2 – Sending invites to friends and colleagues

Fill out your friend’s email address in the first text field and your name and email in the second and third text fields.

** We request this information to let your friend know that the invite came from you. Rest assure that this information is safe with us and we will never share it nor use it to spam either you or your friend. **

After completing the form, click on “Send the first invite” button.

Now, you will be offered to fill another form and send your second invite. Enter another friend’s email address and click on “Send the second invite”:

Next, you’ll be offered to send your third invite:

Once completed, you can review your invites status.

To reach the full 1-year benefit, send a fourth invite by filling out the fourth email and clicking on “send invite”:

Tip: If you want to increase the chances that your invites will be activated you can send more invites (up to 8 invites in total). Every activated invite earns you and your friend 3 additional months of free Lightkey. The first 4 invites that will be activated will earn you a 1 year of Lightkey Pro for free!

Step 3 – Getting your invites activated

For each invite sent, Lightkey will send an email to your friend's specified address (see below sample email). Your friend should open the invite email and click on “Accept Invitation”.

Please note that the email also contains an “invite key” that will be used at a later stage to activate the invite.

Clicking on the “Accept Invitation” button will open the following webpage. Your friend should click on “Download Lightkey for Windows” and follow the installation instructions:

Once Lightkey is installed, the following window will automatically open.

Your friend should copy and paste the invite key (provided in the invite email) to this window.

Congratulations! You and your friend just got additional 3 months of Lightkey Pro for free!

Step 4 – Track your invites status

Click on Lightkey's tray icon to open Lightkey's Control Center and then click on the "get more months for free" button:

It will open your updated invites status:

Once you reach four activated invites, you will get 1 year of Lightkey Pro for free!

Tip: If you want to increase the chances that your invites are successfully activated you can send more invites (up to 8 invites in total).

Happy Lightkeying!

Frequently asked questions

Can I invite my own email address?

No. Lightkey’s invite system will extend your license only if you invite friends that don’t have Lightkey installed on their machine.

I activated my invite and got 3 months. Can I also send my own invites and earn an additional 1-year?

Yes! Activating your received invite earns you 3 months of Lightkey for free. By sending out invites and getting 4 of them activated, you can earn an additional 1 year - getting you a total of 15 months of Lightkey Pro for free!

Can I get this benefit once my 30-day trial has expired?

Yes! But we highly recommend that you send invites sooner. Otherwise, by the time your invites will be activated by your friends, Lightkey will stop working on your machine.

I bought a 1-year license. Can I get this benefit and extend my license to 2 years?

Absolutely! On top of your purchased license, you can get an additional 1 year of Lightkey Pro for free by inviting your friends and getting 4 of your invites activated by them.

One of my invited friends already has Lightkey installed. Can I send more invitations?

Sure, no worries! You can send up to 8 invites. You only need 4 invites to be activated by your friends in order to get this benefit.

Lightkey Pro’s latest edition features a new Invitation Program that extends your license expiration by up to 1 year for free. Simply send invitations to your friends and colleagues and for each valid and activated invitation you and your friend will get an additional 90 days. The first 4 activated invites will earn you 1 year of Lightkey Pro for free. This post explains how to invite your friends and colleagues, track the status of your invites and earn your license credits.

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